To keep things more active im doing even more mini blogs! This one is about this old VHS I acquired free through a craigslist transaction last year. The VHS is entitled How to score more points on nintendo games. Now the VHS format itself is becoming somewhat of a relic, but still recognizable and big part of the "retro" era. This VHS is pretty self explanatory with its title but I'll explain anyway. This is a 30 minute video going over several video games for the Nintendo Entertainment System and teaching the viewer tips,tricks and tutorial on how to overcome certain levels. The video contains all the cheesy 80s visuals and dialogue that we all love. The tape was a nice addition to my retro collection.
heres the first part to the featured video
Which brings me to another issue. Back in the day kids had to rely on resources such as magazines,TV,books, video tapes, costly 1-900 hotlines (and even before that local newspaper and zines) if they wanted any kind of help on a video game or wanted to know the latest news. Today its easy to just go on the internet for anything you want. In my opinion this simplicity takes the flavor out of everything and will never have the same appeal and charm that a magazine,video or tv show did back then. Newer generations will unfortunately never know the feeling of walking into a video store and only relying on the front cover to make your selection. But the video store blog entry is for another time.
Nintendo power was one of the most oldest and popular magazines back then that gave you news on everything Nintendo.
Shows like Video Power and Nick arcade are the earliest video game related TV back then
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